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狼性法则 (Wolf Law)









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    2013-10-11 09:40
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    发表于 2013-10-11 09:43:22 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
    狼性法则(Wolf Law)

    1,卧薪尝胆 :狼不会为了所谓的尊严在自己弱小的时候去攻击比自己强大的东西.
    1, Revival: the dignity of the wolf not to the so-called weak in their own time to attack something more powerful than ourselves.

    2,众狼一心 狼如果不得不去攻击比自己强大的东西,必群起而攻之
    2, if the public had to go wolf wolf bent on attacking something stronger than themselves, will discredit.

    3,自知之明 狼也想当兽王,但狼知道自己是狼而不是老虎
    3, self-knowledge also want Beastmaster wolf, but the wolf is a wolf not know Tiger

    4,顺水推舟 狼知道如何用最小的代价去换取最大的回报
    4, yielded the wolf knows how to use the smallest cost to go for maximum return

    5,同进同退 狼虽然通常独自活动,但狼却是最团结的动物,你不会发现有哪只狼在同伴受伤的时候独自逃走
    5, into the same back wolf though often alone activities, but the wolf is the most united of animals, you will not find there any wolf alone in the companion escaped injury when

    6,表里如一 狼也很想当一个善良的动物,但狼也知道自己的胃只能消化肉,所以狼唯一能做的就是干干净净吃掉每次猎物
    6, and say what the wolf also like when a good animal, but also know that the wolf's stomach can only digest meat, so the only thing to do is to clean the wolf eats each prey

    7,知己知彼 狼尊重每一个对手,狼在每次攻击前都会去了解对手,而不会轻视它,所以狼一生的攻击很少失误
    7, know ourselves to respect every opponent wolf, the wolf will go before every attack know the players, but do not underestimate it, so the wolf attacks rarely life mistakes

    8,狼亦钟情 公狼会在母狼怀孕后,一直保护母狼,直到小狼有独立能力。
    8, the wolf will also love male wolf wolf pregnant, she-wolf has been protected until the coyotes have independence.

    9,授狼以渔 狼会在小狼有独立能力的时候坚决离开它,因为狼知道,如果当不成狼,就只能当羊了。
    9, granted to fish wolf wolf in wolf when resolutely independent ability to leave it, because wolves know, if not a wolf when it can only when the sheep.

    10,自由可贵 狼不会为了嗟来之食而不顾尊严的向主从摇头晃尾。因为狼知道,决不可有傲气,但不可无傲骨,所以狼有时也会独自哼哼自由歌。
    10 Precious Freedom wolf not to handout at the expense of the dignity of the master-slave shook his head to shake the tail. Because wolves know, there must not be arrogant, but not without her side, so the wolf sometimes alone hum free songs.


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